
Tuesday, January 3, 2012

"FUN" Interview with Author Mary Ting

I'm so pleased to welcome Mary Ting. She is the wonderful author of  Crossroads and Between. Tune in and enjoy as we meet the "fun" side of Mary!

Crossroads: (click on picture to be taken to Amazon) Claudia Emerson has a good friend who shares the same first name and last name. That friend unfortunately dies in a tragic accident during homecoming dance. Claudia is distraught at the loss of her friend, but is even more disturbed by her dreams, which seem to take her to another place called Crossroads. Unknown to her, Crossroads is like a second heaven, a place between heaven and earth. It is where the souls of humans in comas or near death experiences may wander. Where, Claudia meets Michael, a nephilim, a half angel, half human, whom she often meets in her dreams. It turns out that this isn’t her first visit to Crossroads, which is an enigma for no human can ever travel there until Claudia. Now the fallen and demons are after her, suspecting she must be special and it is up to Michael and the other nephilims to protect her. Her dream becomes a nightmare as more secrets are revealed, about who she really is, and the true identities of the people she loves most. Can Michael fight his growing feelings for Claudia and protect her as a guardian angel should?

Book Trailer for Crossroads

Between: As the alkins head back to Crossroads, Claudia leads her normal life; but not for long. Having a special soul, Claudia attracts danger, and she soon finds out who Gamma asked to watch over her. The Twelve, known as Divine Elders on Earth, are very much involved when they find out that Aliah, one of the God’s first angels, escaped from the Abyss when the gates were opened by Aden. Needing Claudia’s soul to escape the only place Aliah can reside–a place between Heaven and Earth–he sends his demons in search of all Claudia Emersons on Earth. Taking her soul will enable him to be released from Between and cross over to Crossroads, which would give him immense power. As more secrets are revealed Claudia learns about the venators—nephilim, demon hunters. Now two opposing forces must work together in order to save Claudia and humanity from the most dangerous angel ever created. But along the way, trust becomes a big issue. Will love be enough to keep Claudia and Michael together? Who will make the ultimate sacrifice? Who will betray them all?

Bio: Mary Ting resides in Southern California with her husband and two children. She enjoys oil painting and making jewelry. Writing Crossroads was a way to grieve the death of her beloved grandmother. It was inspired by a dream she once had as a young girl.


Hello Mary. Welcome to the Purple Brick Road. It's a pleasure to have you today. Please tell me what inspired you to write your first book?

 My inspiration was not just from my grandmother, but also from author, Stephenie Meyer.  She wrote Twilight from her dream; therefore, I was inspired to write Crossroads from my dreams. Chapter one and two are my real dreams and experiences.

Sounds facinating! What are your favorite hobbies?I enjoy making jewelries and oil painting. Does shopping count? Lol!!!

Yes it does! Hee, hee, hee. Now, I got a hold of some pictures of your paintings and let me tell you, I was blown away. Girl, you are beyond talented! Here is some of your amazing work:

Not only do you paint beautiful portraits, but you create jewerly as well. I went to your website, Inspired by Twilight and I see that you sell the most beautiful jewerly. I know where I'm going to buy my next present for someone's birthday. These pieces are just amazing! Here are some pictures:

Mary, you are so talented. (You can find Mary's jewerly store online:  Check it out because it's just amazing!)

If you could eliminate one thing from your daily schedule, what would it be and why?
Doing laundry... there is no end. Lol!!!

I despise laundry too. : ) What's the one thing, you can't live without?

Computer and my iphone. I said two things. I’m not following the rules!! Then the computer. 

 Sitting alone in a big field, looking at stars, what do you think/feel?

I feel comfort and peace beyond words. We see clouds every day. It’s always there as a reminder that someone greater is watching over us.

That's beautiful, Mary! What is your favorite quote?

I have two: I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel. Maya Angelou
Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take but by the moments that take our breath away. Hilary Cooper

Awesome quotes. Favorite Candy?
Giant Chewy Sweet Tarts. I can eat one pack as I write…lol!!!

Mmmm. Sounds delicious! If you could have any superpower, what would it be?
I would love to be able to fly.

I would fly to be able to fly to Paris for lunch and come back home in time to pick up my kids from school.

I took on a journey not knowing how rewarding it would be for me. I’ve meet so many wonderful people from all over the world through facebook, twitter, goodreads and blog sites. I’ve made everlasting friendship where friendship knows no boundaries. And I have to thank my grandmother who continues to watch over me from Heaven. Thank you so much for having me!!! And thank you to my readers who are now my friends. Thank you for being my friend!!!

Mary, you are such an inspiration to all of us. Thank you for this glimpse into your life. Thanks for visiting "FUN" Interviews on The Purple Brick Road. It was a pleasure to have you. And a big thank you to everyone who tuned in.

Connect with Mary Online!

twit @maryting



google-site-verification=FXCGkKRKejeOE-1-kSSvxGs1x20OXTOKJLikMhonnH0 said...

Interesting gal!

Jonathan Wilhoit said...

Great interview, thanks for posting!

Liz @ Fictional Candy said...

Fabulous interview! And I am in love with that jewelry, I'm going through the website now.


Unknown said...

Excellent interview as always, Chrissy! Thanks so much! Mary is a true renaissance woman. Books, painting and jewelry, oh my!! Love it!